Ürün: Laser

Rijit hibrit dizayn artık fiber lazerde de mevcuttur.

  • Yeni Çok Kontrollü Kafa standart ekipmandır. Ayaralanabilir ışın çapı sayesinde yüksek hızda ve hassasiyette optimum kesme sağlanabilir.
  • Tabla hareketli sistem, farklı çeşitlikteki parçaların en uygun şekide kesimi ve tablaya kolay erişim için dizayn edilmiştir.
  • Vidalı mil hareket sistemi ve döküm gövde yüksek rijitlik sağlar.
  • Geniş yelpazedeki otomatik fonksiyonlar kolay kullanım ve daha az ayar süresi sağlar.
  • Bu makine yüksek işlem performansı sağlar ve farklı endüstrilerdeki verimli kesim, delik işleme vb gibi proseslere ihtiyaç duyan parçalar için çözüm sunar.
  • Tabla hareketli sistem kendi sınıfında en az yeri kaplar : Bu makina SUPER TURBO-X  serisi ile aynı yer büyüklüğünde bi yere kurulabilir ve SUPER TURBO-X otomasyon sistemleri ile entegre çalıştırılabilir

Tezgah Özellikleri

2.0 kW Laser Değerler
Model characteristics Axis processing movement Hybrid type
Maximum work piece size X-Y 1250 mm x 2500 mm
Work table height 900 mm
Axis travel X-Y 2520 mm x 1270 mm
Z axis travel 170 mm
Rapid traverse rate Z 25 m/min
Axis drive system X1/X2 - Y digital servo drive and ball screws
Axis drive system Z digital servo drive and belts
Positional accuracy X-Y +/- 0.01 / 500 mm
Positional accuracy Z +/- 0.01 / 100 mm
Repeatability X-Y-Z +/- 0,005 mm
Cutting head With lens of focal distance: 7.5‘’
Z axis profiler Non-contact type/Z-axis follow up
Lighting system LED for cutting portion
Operation status indicator lights Yellow signal lamp (ready for laser oscillation) Red signal lamp (lase
Noise level laser Maximum 80 dBA
System weight 11,000 kg
Laser Generator Specification Resonator style LD Excited Yb fiber
Power stability +/- 2%
Laser wave length 1.07 µm
Chiller System Reservoir 140 L
Circuit cooled Torch, Laser
Material Processing Range Mild steel O₂ 15 mm
Mild steel N₂ 5 mm
Stainless steel N₂ 8 mm
Aluminium 8 mm
Galvanized N₂ 3 mm
Brass N₂ 4 mm
Copper N₂ 4 mm
Control Specification Name MAZATROL PREVIEW 3
CPU 64 bit
Data input Touch Screen
Monitor 15" XGA Color TFT
Graphic preview display 3D Tool path
Memory storage 16 GB
Program storage 1 GB
Input ports USB 2.0 x 3 Ports 1-USB
Network connection LAN 1 Port ( 100/1000 BASE)
Controlled axis function Simultaneous 3-axis control (X- (X1 or X2), Y-, Z-axes), Z-axis profiling contro
Minimum input command 0.001 mm
Servo system Digital
Position system Encoder
Control method Semi-closed loop
Pallet Specifications Maximum work piece weight per pallet 630 kg
Work table suport Knife edge method 50 mm

3.0 kW Laser Değerler
Model characteristics Axis processing movement Hybrid type
Maximum work piece size X-Y 1250mm x 2500 mm
Work table height 900 mm
Axis travel X-Y 3070 mm x 1545 mm
Z axis travel 90 mm
Rapid traverse rate Z 25 m/min
Axis drive system X1/X2 - Y digital servo drive and ball screws
Axis drive system Z digital servo drive and belts
Positional accuracy X-Y +/- 0.01 / 500 mm
Positional accuracy Z +/- 0.01 / 100 mm
Repeatability X-Y-Z +/- 0,005 mm
Cutting head With lens of focal distance: 7.5‘’
Z axis profiler Non-contact type/Z-axis follow up
Lighting system LED for cutting portion
Operation status indicator lights Yellow signal lamp (ready for laser oscillation) Red signal lamp (lase
Noise level laser Maximum 80 dBA
System weight 12,200 kg
Laser Generator Specification Resonator style LD Excited Yb fiber
Power stability +/- 2%
Laser wave length 1.07 µm
Chiller System Reservoir 140 L
Circuit cooled Torch, Laser
Material Processing Range Mild steel O₂ 20 mm
Mild steel N₂ 6 mm
Stainless steel N₂ 12 mm
Aluminium 12 mm
Galvanized N₂ 4 mm
Brass N₂ 6 mm
Copper N₂ 6 mm
Control Specification Name MAZATROL PREVIEW 3
CPU 64 bit
Data input Touch Screen
Monitor 15" XGA Color TFT
Graphic preview display 3D Tool path
Memory storage 16 GB
Program storage 1 GB
Input ports USB 2.0 x 3 Ports 1-USB
Network connection LAN 1 Port ( 100/1000 BASE)
Controlled axis function Simultaneous 3-axis control (X- (X1 or X2), Y-, Z-axes), Z-axis profiling contro
Minimum input command 0.001 mm
Servo system Digital
Position system Encoder
Control method Semi-closed loop
Pallet Specifications Maximum work piece weight per pallet 930 kg
Work table suport Knife edge method 50 mm